Our Address : Adyar, Mangalore | Contact Us : +91 9686357711 | Email : tcisadyarmangalore@gmail.com | Admission Open Now

Our emphasis is on encouraging children to realize their inner potential while learning and growing at their own pace.

  • Foundational Years (age 3 to 7; up to Grade 2) is the most crucial learning phase of an individual. About 90% of a child’s cumulative brain development occurs prior to the age of 8. At TCIS, we follow a curated learning approach specifically tuned for this age group.

    Teaching methodology of TCIS Foundational Years Program is dynamic, based on the latest research and development in this highly evolving area, aimed at achieving optimum progress in physical and motor skill development, cognition and communication development, socio-emotional-ethical development and cultural-artistic development. Parents are an important partner in this program designed to play a key part in the child’s learning journey. Our teaching methodology at Foundational Years stage focuses on play-based, activity-based and inquiry-based learning to achieve higher order transdisciplinary outcomes in numeracy, literacy and life-skills. It involves tailor-made activities employing tools like games, indoor and outdoor plays, puzzles and logical thinking, crafts, visual arts, clay modelling, drama, puppetry, music, story, poetry, etc apart from highly interactive textbooks. Learning outcomes of the program is to attain proficiency in foundational skills like language, maths, computing, listening-speaking-writing,communication, cooperation and collaboration, teamwork, ethics, creativity, health, self-awareness, self-discipline, logical thinking, etc.

  • Preparatory Years (Grade 3 to Grade 5) is built on the foundations of early years and follows an inquiry-led framework which challenges learners to critically think for themselves and take responsibility for their learning as they explore and understand concepts across language, science and social subjects in real life context. The curriculum is oriented towards Concept Building. The pedagogy combines best research and practice from a range of educational systems to create a relevant and engaging learning path. At this stage classroom transactions shift towards competency-based learning and the assessment tools focus on assessment “as”, “of”, and “for” learning to align with the learning outcomes, capabilities and dispositions as specified for each subject. Foundational concepts of language, science and social subjects are introduced and reinforced at this stage through experiential learning.

  • Middle Years (Grade 6 to Grade 8) comprises three years of education, building on the knowledge, skills and attitude developed by students during their preparatory years to prepare them for the Higher Years. The curriculum focus is Multidisciplinary Concept Integration. Learning and discussion of more abstract concepts are introduced at this stage across the multiple disciplines of languages, sciences, mathematics, arts, social sciences, and humanities. Experiential learning within each subject and explorations of relations among different subjects are emphasised. Both width and depth of transdisciplinary learning is achieved during these years. The curriculum is designed inclusive for students of all interests and academic abilities so as to inspire passion for learning while challenging intellectual curiosity, encouraging inquiry and maximising individual potential. It provides real-world learning experience, connecting their studies to the world around them enabling them to develop sound judgments, make wise choices and respect the community they are part of.

  • The overarching theme of Higher Years is Career Orientation. The Middle Year learnings are further extended and scholastic specialisation is introduced. Leadership skills are promoted. Children are empowered to do innovation, research and aptitude discovery. TCIS lays great importance for Higher Years. In order to have a focused approach towards academic excellence and to ingrain mindfulness in the learner about one’s talent, interest and aptitude so as to orient them towards meaningful career opportunities, TCIS has taken remarkable initiatives during Higher Years. At TCIS the entire Higher Years academic period is called TCIS Wings Program, when the child grows her wings and we teach her how to fly.